Planting Kelp Forests & Seawead

The south-west coast of Africa is ideal for planting kelp-forests to absorb CO2. We are in contact with local authorities to get the allowance for our project. In Australia, we work on a pilot between Melbourne and Adelaide (2024). Kelp is growing up to one meter per day. You need however a depths of at least 40 meters and temperatures with maximum 18 degrees celsius, which is a litte bit different for every kind of kelp. Kelp can be easily grown in greenhouses and planted on the seabed with a new, specific solution from Ocean Quest Per square kilometer you can plant at least 10’000 kelp trees. For a distance of about 1000 km and let’s estimate a possible topollogy in 200 km, at least 2 Mio kelp trees can be planted. We estimate, that we can plant in 2025 about 500’000 little kelp plants and 1 Mio in 2026. Every kelp plant of 45 meters can absorb about 0.5 – 0.8 tons of CO2, and also toxins, microplastic and more !
We estimate a total coastline of about 2000 miles from Cape Town until Skeleton Coast in Namibia. By studying the topology of the seabed, the temperature and the currencies, around 197 miles can be used for planting kelp, at least. Assuming, that we start with a stripe of just one mile in width, 10’000 or more kelp can be planted per square mile. Overall, this sums up to 1’97 Mio kelp plants. A kelp plant of 45 meters (after few years) can absorb to about 0.6 – 0.8 ton of CO2 per year. And Kelp is growing very fast, up to 0.4 meters a day. Hence, seaweed biomass carbon’s final carbon emission factor is 0.7933 (2/3 + 1/3 × 0.38 = 0.7933). Today, it is estimated, that all kelp can store around 5 Mio tons of CO2. So, there is still plenty of room for improvement …. So, we hope to get the Ok from the authorities soon !

In 2023, an estimated 145 million tons of waste
are in the oceans, expected to increase.
A Win-Win situation for African fishermen
Garbage and plastic for value? This works also for planting kelp.
We developed a complete new way how to do this with little effort and in
a way, that our tools can be produced in any 3 rd world country around the globe.
We talk about special vases …. :
which have a docked belly, so that no matter how they are thrown from the fishing boat into the sea, they land on the bottom of the vase first. which have many small openings so that the whorls can drift outwards and anchor themselves in the seabed
which have a special wire mesh on the lower edge to enable them to cling to the ground or sloping ground.
14 Image African Pictures A typical fishing boat can put out some 200 to 500 vases per day….