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Ocean Quest

Reuse of Plastics

What are we doing with the waste collected

Together with local and global partners like MBA Polymers, we offer a recycling solution that is using the marine plastic waste by creating new polymers. Ocean plastics can be reused in consumer electronics, automotive parts, furniture and construction materials. The portfolio includes pellets, fibres, yarns and textiles made from: Ocean plastic (fishing gear): PA6/Nylon, PP, HDPE Ocean-bound plastic: PET, PP, PS, HDPE, LDPE MBA Polymers will offer low-carbon footprint materials and guarantees an end-to-end traceable supply chain (Close the Loop). Our cooperation helps to create new economic and social opportunities in ocean-adjacent communities in Asia and Africa. This includes jobs in waste management, recycling and R&D. It will also reduce the negative impact on the ocean and many livelihood.

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