We can use all the help we can get!


Ocean Quest represents a group of entrepreneurs, philanthropists, environmentalists, specialists and others – who are committed to keep the oceans healthy, reforest the world’s forests to absorb CO2 and to look for new ways to feed the world’s population.

The organization currently has almost 400 members, growing strongly, and is organized as a global, adaptive organization, which is a combination of a holacracy and a podular organization. We are based in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and numerous countries in Europe.

With the help of robots, drones and AI, we are venturing into areas that were previously impossible. The development of undersea spheres will enable ocean farming at depths of more than 40 meters, with artificial light. Our vision are human habitats, Ocean villages, with own power and oxygen supply.

Our new wing gliders with up to 12 meter in lengths, powered by fuel cells, can travel long distances and perform a variety of tasks. These include the relocation of marine logistics to depths of less than 30 meters, regardless of currents and waves.

For marketing we are looking for:

For management we are looking for:

NGO experts wanted for:

All ages are welcome

Every contribution, no matter how small, is valuable

Every country is welcome

People with disabilities are welcome

Locals are welcome

Such beaches must be preserved


Advice on virtually all the issues that could cause legal difficulties is most welcome

ship superstructures, submarine construction, beach buggy

We are looking for a shipyard for the Ocean Crawler

special nets production

We need several prototypes before these nets can be copied in Africa, Latin America and Asia using natural fibers. Expert know-how is always welcome.

protection of marine animals

We are constantly looking for oceanographers, biologists, marine geologists who want to work with us

satellite analysis and internet research

Our evaluations are still very laborious due to the resolution. Suggestions are always welcome

online shop

Here we could at least offer the operator a profit margin ...

If this project is successful and we get enough support, it will be a global project with hundreds of employees and an estimated volume of 180 million euros for the first three phases. But like everywhere, we have to start small. You can help us a lot today by sending us your tips and advice by email. You can also pass on the link to our website to your acquaintances, friends and followers.

If you want to get involved – we’d be happy to! Below is an initial list of jobs that we need to fill. It is important for you to know that the current ramp-up phase is a volunteer position, but this will give you a pool position as soon as we have enough budget and can hire permanent employees.

We have already financed hundreds of thousands of euros from our own resources. The next step is therefore to collect money from large institutions and, in 2023, also via crowdfunding.